Generating bulleted lists inside pandoc markdown tables in R with pander

A short how-to on using pander in quarto/rmarkdown to generate markdown grid tables with bullet lists.

Cynthia Huang


May 15, 2023


January 24, 2025

I recently put together this markdown table for a vignette in the {xmap} package using Visual Mode in Rstudio:

| x                | **Recoding** (1-to-1)                                       | **Collapsing** (M-to-1)                                          | **Splitting** (1-to-M)                                                              |
| Assertions       | -   every link weight is either 1 or 0 (implied by absence) | -   link weights are binary                                      | -   link weights are fractional or absent                                           |
|                  | -   cardinality of the source and target sets is the same   | -   there are more source categories than target categories      | -   there are more target categories than source categories                         |
|                  |                                                             | -   each source category is assigned to only one target category | -   each source category has at least two outgoing links to the target nomenclature |
| xmap functions   | `verify_named_all_1to1()`                                   | `verify_named_all_values_unique()`                               | `verify_named_all_names_unique()`                                                   |
|                  |                                                             |                                                                  |                                                                                     |
|                  | `verify_pairs_all_1to1()`                                   | `verify_named_matchset`                                          | `verify_named_matchset`                                                             |
|                  |                                                             |                                                                  |                                                                                     |
|                  | ...                                                         | ...                                                              | ...                                                                                 |
| base R           | -   `all(weights == 1)`                                     | -   `all(weights == 1)`                                          | -   `all(weights < 1)`                                                              |
|                  | -   `length(unique(from) == length(unique(to))`             | -   `length(unique(from) > length(unique(to))`                   | -   `length(unique(from)) < length(unique(to))`                                     |
| conditions       |                                                             | -   `length(unique(from)) == length(from)`                       | -   `length(from) > length(unique(from))`                                           |
| Graph Conditions | -   $w_{ij} \in \{0,1\} \ \forall i,j$                      | -   $w_{ij} \in \{0,1\} \forall i,j$                             | -   $w_{ij} \in [0, 1) \forall i,j$                                                 |
|                  | -   $|U| = |V|$                                             | -   $|U| > |V|$                                                  | -   $|U| < |V|$                                                                     |
|                  | -   $Out_i = In_j = 1 \ \forall i,j$                        | -   $Out_i = 1 \ \forall i \in U$                                | -   $Out_i > 1 \ \forall i \in U$                                                   |

Visual mode generated a grid style pandoc markdown table, which renders into a table just fine except for the fact that it spills over into the navigation column…

Awkward table spillover

x Recoding (1-to-1) Collapsing (M-to-1) Splitting (1-to-M)
  • every link weight is either 1 or 0 (implied by absence)
  • cardinality of the source and target sets is the same
  • link weights are binary
  • there are more source categories than target categories
  • each source category is assigned to only one target category
  • link weights are fractional or absent
  • there are more target categories than source categories
  • each source category has at least two outgoing links to the target nomenclature
xmap functions







base R


  • all(weights == 1)
  • length(unique(from) == length(unique(to))
  • all(weights == 1)
  • length(unique(from) > length(unique(to))
  • length(unique(from)) == length(from)
  • all(weights < 1)
  • length(unique(from)) < length(unique(to))
  • length(from) > length(unique(from))
Graph Conditions
  • \(w_{ij} \in \{0,1\} \ \forall i,j\)
  • \(|U| = |V|\)
  • \(Out_i = In_j = 1 \ \forall i,j\)
  • \(w_{ij} \in \{0,1\} \forall i,j\)
  • \(|U| > |V|\)
  • \(Out_i = 1 \ \forall i \in U\)
  • \(w_{ij} \in [0, 1) \forall i,j\)
  • \(|U| < |V|\)
  • \(Out_i > 1 \ \forall i \in U\)

Now, in addition to the spillover issue (which I did not figure out how to fix…), markdown tables can quite awkward to edit, and not that straight forward to version control. So, I thought I’d see if I could generate an similar table using one of the many awesome table rendering packages in R.

Usually when I want to make tables I just call knitr::kable() and hope for the best. Unsuprisingly this did not work. I’m not sure if/how knitr::kable() can handle mixed cell types (i.e. text, code, math notation, lists), but luckily for me, it turns out the {pander} package has all the functionality I needed.

With the help of this stackoverflow answer, How to write (bullet) lists in a table using rmarkdown and pandoc, this is what I came up with:

Enter cell contents

First, let’s get put all the cell contents into R as character strings. For readability, I chose to enter each column as its own list and each bullet point as a separate element in a string vector. Notice that I had to escape all the backslashes using \\.

recoding = list()
recoding$assertions = c("every link weight is either 1 or 0 (implied by absence)",
                        "cardinality of the source and target sets is the same")
recoding$xmap = c("`verify_named_all_1to1()`",
recoding$baseR = c("`all(weights == 1)`",
                   "`length(unique(from) == length(unique(to))`")
recoding$graph = c("$w_{ij} \\in \\{0,1\\} \\ \\forall i,j$",
                   "$|U| = |V|$",
                   "$Out_i = In_j = 1 \\ \\forall i,j$")

collapse = list()
collapse$assertions = c("link weights are binary",
                        "there are more source categories than target categories",
                        "each source category is assigned to only one target category")
collapse$xmap = c("`verify_named_all_values_unique()`",
collapse$baseR = c("`all(weights == 1)`",
                   "`length(unique(from) > length(unique(to))`")
collapse$graph = c("$w_{ij} \\in \\{0,1\\} \\forall i,j$",
                   "$|U| > |V|$",
                   "$Out_i = 1 \\ \\forall i \\in U$")

split = list()
split$assertions = c("link weights are fractional or absent",
                     "there are more target categories than source categories",
                     "each source category has at least two outgoing links to the target nomenclature")
split$xmap = c("`verify_named_all_names_unique()`",
split$baseR = c("`all(weights < 1)`",
                "`length(unique(from)) < length(unique(to))`",
                "`length(from) > length(unique(from))`")
split$graph = c("$w_{ij} \\in [0, 1) \\forall i,j$",
                "$|U| < |V|$",
                "$Out_i > 1 \\ \\forall i \\in U$")

Pander the table

Next, I collapse all the string vectors and unlist everything into data.frame columns:

my_table = data.frame(recode = recoding |> lapply(function(x) paste0(paste("*", x), collapse = "\\\n")) |> unlist(),
                      collapse = collapse |> lapply(function(x) paste0(paste("*", x), collapse = "\\\n")) |> unlist(),
                      split = split |> lapply(function(x) paste0(paste("*",x), collapse = "\\\n")) |> unlist())

Note that function(x) basically takes a string vector x and turns it into a single string of bulleted items by:

  1. attaching bullets to each element using y = paste("*", x)
  2. collapsing the elements with line breaks using paste0(y, collapse = "\\\n"). I think the \\\ is required because we have to escape twice?

Finally, we pass the table to pander::pander() to turn it into a markdown table:

my_table |>
    pander::pander(caption = "Special Cases {#tbl-special}",
                   keep.line.breaks = TRUE,
                   style = "grid",
                   split.table = Inf,
                   justify = "left",
                   split.cells = 20)
Table 1: Special Cases
  recode collapse split
  • every link weight is either 1 or 0 (implied by absence)
  • cardinality of the source and target sets is the same
  • link weights are binary
  • there are more source categories than target categories
  • each source category is assigned to only one target category
  • link weights are fractional or absent
  • there are more target categories than source categories
  • each source category has at least two outgoing links to the target nomenclature
  • verify_named_all_1to1()
  • verify_pairs_all_1to1()
  • verify_named_all_values_unique()
  • verify_named_matchset()
  • verify_named_all_names_unique()
  • verify_named_matchset()
  • all(weights == 1)
  • length(unique(from) == length(unique(to))
  • all(weights == 1)
  • length(unique(from) > length(unique(to))
  • all(weights < 1)
  • length(unique(from)) < length(unique(to))
  • length(from) > length(unique(from))
  • \(w_{ij} \in \{0,1\} \ \forall i,j\)
  • \(|U| = |V|\)
  • \(Out_i = In_j = 1 \ \forall i,j\)
  • \(w_{ij} \in \{0,1\} \forall i,j\)
  • \(|U| > |V|\)
  • \(Out_i = 1 \ \forall i \in U\)
  • \(w_{ij} \in [0, 1) \forall i,j\)
  • \(|U| < |V|\)
  • \(Out_i > 1 \ \forall i \in U\)

The various available options are pretty well documented in ?pander::pandoc.table() and in the Markdown tables section of the package documentation


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Huang, Cynthia},
  title = {Generating Bulleted Lists Inside Pandoc Markdown Tables in
    {R} with Pander},
  date = {2023-05-15},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Huang, Cynthia. 2023. “Generating Bulleted Lists Inside Pandoc Markdown Tables in R with Pander.” May 15, 2023.